Send Your Hate Mail To Margaret Wente
(too old to reply)
Jason Spurrell
2005-01-06 23:55:08 UTC
Email Your Hate Mail To Margaret Wente at ***@globeandmail.ca !

She Should Be Fired From The G&M.


Globe columnist slags 'deadbeat' Williams
WebPosted Jan 6 2005 02:34 PM NST

ST. JOHN'S - A Globe and Mail columnist has written a scathing
condemnation of Premier Danny Williams' handling of the offshore revenue

Margaret Wente, the Globe's featured columnist on its opinion page, says
Williams has gone too far in his demands with the federal government.

"Mr. Williams reminds me of a deadbeat brother-in-law who's hit you up for
money a few times too often," Wente writes in the Globe's Jan. 6 edition.

"He's been sleeping on the couch for years, and now he's got the nerve to
complain that it's too lumpy."

Wente, who describes Newfoundland Labrador as "probably the most vast and
scenic welfare ghetto in the world," says Williams is trying to "pick the
pockets" of other Canadians.

"Maybe we can strike a deal," Wente writes. "You can keep all the oil and
gas revenues. And you can pay us back all the money we've sent you since

A skybox on the Globe's front page promoting Wente's column says
"Newfoundlanders need to stop biting the hand that feeds them."

Williams dismissed the criticism.

"It's those kinds of comments that really bite at the heart of
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians," he says.
2005-01-07 00:07:16 UTC
I bet she's from Quebec.
Post by Jason Spurrell
She Should Be Fired From The G&M.
Globe columnist slags 'deadbeat' Williams
WebPosted Jan 6 2005 02:34 PM NST
ST. JOHN'S - A Globe and Mail columnist has written a scathing
condemnation of Premier Danny Williams' handling of the offshore revenue
Margaret Wente, the Globe's featured columnist on its opinion page, says
Williams has gone too far in his demands with the federal government.
"Mr. Williams reminds me of a deadbeat brother-in-law who's hit you up for
money a few times too often," Wente writes in the Globe's Jan. 6 edition.
"He's been sleeping on the couch for years, and now he's got the nerve to
complain that it's too lumpy."
Wente, who describes Newfoundland Labrador as "probably the most vast and
scenic welfare ghetto in the world," says Williams is trying to "pick the
pockets" of other Canadians.
"Maybe we can strike a deal," Wente writes. "You can keep all the oil and
gas revenues. And you can pay us back all the money we've sent you since
A skybox on the Globe's front page promoting Wente's column says
"Newfoundlanders need to stop biting the hand that feeds them."
Williams dismissed the criticism.
"It's those kinds of comments that really bite at the heart of
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians," he says.
Kevin Long
2005-01-07 11:55:52 UTC
I bet she's from Quebec.
United States...........pretty much the same.
2005-01-07 18:02:50 UTC
Don`t you guy`s down grade the English and some of the French in my province
of origin! Give it to the USA
Post by Kevin Long
I bet she's from Quebec.
United States...........pretty much the same.
2005-01-07 00:39:14 UTC
I'll never buy the Globe and Mail again, as long as I live.
Post by Jason Spurrell
She Should Be Fired From The G&M.
Globe columnist slags 'deadbeat' Williams
WebPosted Jan 6 2005 02:34 PM NST
ST. JOHN'S - A Globe and Mail columnist has written a scathing
condemnation of Premier Danny Williams' handling of the offshore revenue
Margaret Wente, the Globe's featured columnist on its opinion page, says
Williams has gone too far in his demands with the federal government.
"Mr. Williams reminds me of a deadbeat brother-in-law who's hit you up for
money a few times too often," Wente writes in the Globe's Jan. 6 edition.
"He's been sleeping on the couch for years, and now he's got the nerve to
complain that it's too lumpy."
Wente, who describes Newfoundland Labrador as "probably the most vast and
scenic welfare ghetto in the world," says Williams is trying to "pick the
pockets" of other Canadians.
"Maybe we can strike a deal," Wente writes. "You can keep all the oil and
gas revenues. And you can pay us back all the money we've sent you since
A skybox on the Globe's front page promoting Wente's column says
"Newfoundlanders need to stop biting the hand that feeds them."
Williams dismissed the criticism.
"It's those kinds of comments that really bite at the heart of
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians," he says.
2005-01-07 01:08:43 UTC
Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?
Post by Jason Spurrell
She Should Be Fired From The G&M.
Globe columnist slags 'deadbeat' Williams
WebPosted Jan 6 2005 02:34 PM NST
ST. JOHN'S - A Globe and Mail columnist has written a scathing
condemnation of Premier Danny Williams' handling of the offshore revenue
Margaret Wente, the Globe's featured columnist on its opinion page, says
Williams has gone too far in his demands with the federal government.
"Mr. Williams reminds me of a deadbeat brother-in-law who's hit you up for
money a few times too often," Wente writes in the Globe's Jan. 6 edition.
"He's been sleeping on the couch for years, and now he's got the nerve to
complain that it's too lumpy."
Wente, who describes Newfoundland Labrador as "probably the most vast and
scenic welfare ghetto in the world," says Williams is trying to "pick the
pockets" of other Canadians.
"Maybe we can strike a deal," Wente writes. "You can keep all the oil and
gas revenues. And you can pay us back all the money we've sent you since
A skybox on the Globe's front page promoting Wente's column says
"Newfoundlanders need to stop biting the hand that feeds them."
Williams dismissed the criticism.
"It's those kinds of comments that really bite at the heart of
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians," he says.
Clyde Anderson
2005-01-07 02:21:08 UTC

Like most other sensationalist journalists, you have put some convenient
facts into your story to support your theory and left out one key issue that
goes against your point of view regarding to this current "squabble" between
Ottawa and Newfoundland. Mr Martin made a pre-election promise that
Newfoundland and Labrador would get 100% of the revenues from the offshore
oil. Let me write that again for you : ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. You got that?
That means ALL of the revenues. But when Danny Williams went up to Ottawa to
sign the agreement, it wasn't 100%. That is why we are where we are today.
To Newfoundlanders (not Newfs as you referred to them) a promise is a
promise - good , bad or indifferent, when you make them you keep them.

If you were a journalist with any bit of integrity you would investigate
what Paul Martin promised to us and compare it to what they wanted us to
sign, and report the FACTS of that.

But I am sure you won't.